The Glory of God - In Moral, by Paul Washer

“I am not antinomian, by any means. As a matter of fact, when Jesus says, ‘depart from me, I never knew you. You workers of iniquity’, it’s ‘workers of lawlessness’. And what he’s truly saying, ‘depart from me, every one of you, who claimed to be my disciples but you lived as though I never gave you a law to obey. If you’ve ever heard my preaching you would know, for sure, that I’ve been called a legalist more often than an antinomian. But I’ll tell you this, and I mean no disrespect, but it’s a lot easier to learn principles, than it is to tarry with the Christ. I know so many little preacher boys, and some of them are seventy years old, but their whole life is nothing but little doctrines and principles, but they have never tarried before the Lord. They have spent no closet time, their knees are not bare. They know nothing of going out into the woods for, seven, eight days, and screaming at the gates of Heaven. They’d honor the pilgrims and the puritans all day long, but they know nothing. They know nothing of their zeal, and nothing of their passion. It is so easy to learn principles about holiness. It is so easy learn attributes of God, as they’re set forth in statements. But how many men are so sick and tired of not being in the presence of God that they are willing to depart from absolutely everything, and if it means running like a wild man through the woods for a week, throwing rocks at Heaven, they will not rest until the presence of God is real in their life?” - Paul Washer
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